Hello all! Forgive me for my lengthy absense from the blog. I spent my winter holidays doing a lot of painting for family gifts as well as just some good old relaxing and a lot of catching up on reading. Unfortunately I did not document my family's gifts before leaving Louisiana and heading back to school, but perhaps on my next trip home I will make that happen.
So for now you must be wondering what is going on in the life of Josh. Well I am in my second to last quarter here at SCAD and I am currently taking Illustration Portfolio, Advertising Illustration and British Literary Art of the 19th Century. I'm really looking forward to the work that I have planned this quarter, so there will be weekly updates, don't you worry! I would also like to participate more in Illustration Friday. I'm trying to think of a day or two that I might make my blog update days, so when I have that decided I will of course post that on here.
Other than classes, I feel I should give an update on the current life plan. Of course over the next few months, my website will go up and running and I will be heavily promoting my illustration career. I have also decided to consider going to graduate school. I am currently considering SCAD for illustration of course, and then LSU for painting and drawing to get more of a fine art back ground. Of course this is not definite and I may not do grad school for a few years or ever for that matter. I'm just kind of playing it by ear at the moment.
So now that you are all caught up, here are those sketches I promised!